Spent Grain Cookies
After finishing the oatmeal stout brewday, I baked something new with the spent grains, cookies! The original recipe was not so successful but with a bit of tweaking I have come up with a delicious way to add sugar back in to those grains and create a delectable dessert everyone can enjoy!

5 tbs butter, room temperature
1 cu brown sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cu white flour (may need more)
1/2 cu Spent Grain Flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon (or any 'winter' spice combo)
1 1/2 cu spent grain (darker the better)
1 cu chocolate chips

Notice the left image; the dough is too runny, add more flour!
Mix the sugar and butter well then add egg, vanilla and all the rest of the ingredients. Bake at 350 F until almost done (a little longer than your average cookie) and remove. Immediately transfer to a cooling rack to stop the cookies from cooking on the sheet.

The first sheet of cookies turned out very flat and did not hold together, I added a bunch more flour to the mix and the next sheet was great! The recipe above includes these changes, however, make sure that your dough is relatively sticky and not runny - like a regular cookie recipe you may or may not need to add more flour. I also think that the fact that the grain used was so roasted& and dark, they really pack a flavor punch!
Also See: 5 Uses for Spent Grain